Turn to the expert mobile RV air conditioning from roof top air conditioner or dash air conditioner Dc’s Mechanical does them all. If you have an older R12 dash air conditioner and need the retrofit to 134a we can handle your needs right at your storage unit or home. No more having to drive your recreational vehicle to the dealers or shop because we will come to you. Don’t let your roof top air conditioner go without service and fail right when you get to your favorite camping spot and ruin your fun without air conditioning. Dc’s will come make sure all your RV air conditioners are running like new with out cleaning process and maintenance on both dash and roof top air conditioners. Most people are unaware that your air conditioners need to be serviced to make sure they do not fail at the time you are enjoying camping or going out to the desert for some off road fun. From remote air conditioners to package units we do them all. I have worked on RV air conditioners for over 20 years and have been hired by many dealers to fix air conditioners for their customers. I am offering my services customer direct and cut out the dealers to save you time and money. Dc’s Mechanical offers a mobile air conditioning repair in South Orange County and prices that cannot be beat. Dc’s Mechanical air conditioning the company that comes to you for all air conditioning needs! No matter what refrigerant you need we carry it R22, R410A, R134A, R12, Carrier air conditioner, Dometic air conditioner, Coleman air conditioner, Atwood air conditioner, and many more. Turn to the experts at Dc’s Mechanical for all your RV air conditioning needs and we will come to you!
Dc’s Mechanical 24872 Wells Fargo Drive Laguna Hills, CA 93653 949-770-9616